Red Guy then notices Roy sitting still in the crowd, looking intently at him. He proceeds to perform the Creativity song from the first episode, but is booed by the crowd. Red Guy then steps onto the bar's scene, completely nude, shocking away the bar's piano player. Later, Red Guy sits at a bar, whose patrons also resembles and sounds identical to him. But Red Guy keeps staring at the file, as though something has occurred to him. He asks if it wouldn't be 'funny' if an office file came alive, and tries singing a song about it, but his colleagues are not impressed. Suddenly, Red Guy wakes up at his desk in an cubicle farm with multiple other Red People identical to him, milling about and doing office jobs. Yellow Guy struggles to get out, but eventually his head goes under.
Yellow Guy then wakes to see the Lamp transform his mattress into oil. Despite Yellow Guy's protests, the Lamp drags him along for an animated sequence that ends with him having a dream about drowning in oil. As he tries to go to sleep, a lamp who sings about dreams appears. Yellow Guy is in bed, crying because he misses his friends, who have disappeared over the course of the previous two episodes. The Lamp: Looks like somebody's having a bad dream!